18e Congrès d'études inuit

le 29 octobre 2012

18e Congrès d'études inuit

Publié le 29 octobre 2012

Organisation du séminaire : Improving Recruitment and Increasing Graduation Rates of Inuit Teachers dans le cadre du XVIIIe Congrès d’études inuit du 24 au 28 octobre 2012, à Washington, D.C., USA

Based on the development of the professional skills, Inuit teachers training programs strive towards the promotion of Inuit language and values. Even if actually 40 % of the teachers in Nunavik are Inuit, the school staffs fail to reflect the composition of the population in Northern communities. Presenters in this session will discuss several ongoing projects that try to shape training programs to better address community experiences, knowledge and expectations. Innovative practices and methods enable to increase the graduation rates of Inuit teachers will be objects of inquiry to share. An emphasis will be placed on the access to complementary modes of teaching and the relevance and feasibility of their implementation in this bicultural and bilingual context.

Par Glorya Pellerin, UQAT


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